The client's security policy is needfully restrictive as the servers will contain sensitive business data, so the network configuration needs to be locked down for incoming and outgoing connections from all servers as much as possible. I've been developing an application for a client which will run on a bunch of load-balanced AWS servers running Debian 7.5 which will only be accessible on port 80 for the application itself from all addresses, and port 22 for SSH from just our office and the office of the client's outsourced AWS management team.

Anyway, now that's over, on to the actual question. I already have the main switch configuration finalised and ready to go back to the client, but they've asked me to verify the /entire/ config they're going to actually apply to the switches, not just the application-specific stuff, hence the question below. Preamble: So, before I actually ask the question, I'd like to point out that I'm somewhat apprehensive about posting this because even as I'm typing this out it it feels like I'm asking someone to just tell me the switch config I need, which isn't the case.