I'l get it another day.īTW - Aquarius and the AGA NM both bit the dust due to my hand that evening :) Watch out for Paralyse fellow BSTs as it can really stop your chances. I didnt prep or even have a plan for the fight. upshot of all this.I was too cocky as most of us bsts can often be. Anyway I bit dust just near where Aquarius pops. Went to the first schroom and failed charm - lol - on an easy prey! So I had two on me - tried to tame but I dont think that worked due to paralysis either. Ran into the room utsusemi was well down by this point and the NM was hitting for 100+. When the pet died I tried to pop a jug but i was still paralyzed so the jug wouldnt pop. Well, got the NM down to about 30% and was having real hate issues and my pet was nearly dead. I think well thats not too bad it will wear soon. After a few hits the NM turns to me with a peed off look in its eye and pomptly paralyzes me. Let the pet get a few hits and then joined in the mele. Charmed a shroom in the room and set it to fight the Nm. Ok I am a 75 bst/nin and was running throught the area that it pops an saw i was up. And like some people have learned her WS are not to be taken lightly, her WS do optimal damage even when buffed. Spiders there are too squishy and should only be used as a last resort. I think I use 3-4 funguar to take her down. She isnt hard to take down but boy she takes down your pets. From my experience, she seems to share the hate between the pet and master. Also, its weird but she builds hate to BST like crazy, I mean I have to run and take 2-3 hits before she focuses on my new pet.

In 10 hits or less she will take you down if you do not get a pet on her. Her accuracy is decent too, she went through my shadows and tore into me with stoneskin for 98 points and that wasnt critical. She spams WS with little or no TP and she hits 100+. So for BST at 62, Ellyllon is guaranteed killed if you dont mischarm and stay calm.Įllyllon is a funguar on steroids. I have gotten the crap, truffle, then the reishe, then crap, more crap, then the helm, lol. I was 0/5 till this past Sunday and now 1/6 for the Helm :). Ellyllon should pop this round, if not repeat the slaughter again. Here is what I do, wait 2 hours then go and slaughter the mushrooms. Hey, every 2-3 hours 6k payday works for me. As 65 BST in the Tree, I been killing Ellyllon now each level and claiming my 6k per kill.